主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年六月11日至六月17日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.6.11- 2018.6.17)

Prayer Burdens  – Week 1 of June

Prayer Burdens:

1. Pray for the group meeting for young people to be held every week, that the young saints can be attracted by God, grow up in life and be perfected in truth to become pillars of the church.
2. Pray for more brothers and sisters to join the prayer meeting to open to the Lord fully, love Him, love His church and become living and functioning members to shepherd each other for the building of the church.

Pray for the printing, publication and distribution of seven Rhema books in Laos.

1. Pray that the saints in the churches in India can have a genuine breakthrough in the experience of life in the matter of financial offering for the Land Purchasing Project in Chennai by living in resurrection to overcome material possessions; pray that the Lord can meet all the needs within the next 2 months.
2. Pray for the Perfecting Meetings for the responsible brothers which will be held in Trivandrum for the churches in Kerala from June 8-9, and in Hyderabad for the churches in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana from June 10-11.

祷告事项: 六月第一周

1. 为青少年排聚集能每周举行,使青少年圣徒被主吸引,在生命里长大,并在真理上得成全,成为召会的柱子代祷。
2. 为更多弟兄姊妹参加祷告聚会,完全向主敞开,爱祂, 爱祂的召会,并成为活而尽功用的肢体,为着召会的建造彼此牧养代祷。


1. 为印度众召会的圣徒们在财务奉献的生命经历上能有真实的突破,有分清奈购地计划,借着活在复活里胜过财物代祷;也为主能在要来两个月应付所有的需要代祷。
2. 为6/8-9在特里凡得琅举行的卡拉拉邦众召会负责弟兄成全聚会,以及6/10-11在海得拉巴举行的安得拉邦及泰伦加纳邦众召会负责弟兄成全聚会代祷。

Source: http://lmasia.org/prayer-burden-weekly-pursuits/