Report on 2018 FTTA-XB Trainees’ Gospel Trip in Frankfurt– (3) 二〇一八年FTTA-XB法兰克福福音之旅报告(三)

2018 FTTA-XB Gospel Trip Report –Frankfurt (3) May 21, 2018

Monday- May 14, 2018
Today, we went on campus to talk to students in the cafeteria In the afternoon, there was Bible study with 3 students. In the evening, we ran into one of the students from the Bible study, Josef, on campus and invited him over for dinner. His mother is German and his father is Turkish. His mother is a Christian and his father is Muslim. He was born in Frankfurt, and at age 14 he had to choose whether be Muslim or not. He was scared for this day, so he prayed a lot to God and seeking Him as to who He was and whether He was real or not. He said that God gave him a clear mind and he realized that Jesus Christ was God. So at age 14, He told his father that Jesus Christ was his king. As we were fellowshipping we began to talk about the Word of God. He said that if you want to know God, you have to read the Bible and that He wants to improve more on letting God take over his life. We played some games together and then we ended the evening singing two hymns together- Amazing grace, and Just taste and see. The time was a very spontaneous and sweet time. He spent the whole evening with us and was very happy when he left.

Prayer burdens:
 Pray for Josef- that the Lord to capture Him for His testimony here in Frankfurt. Pray that He would continue to taste the Lord in His Word and in the ministry and that he would receive the proper care

Tuesday- May 15, 2018
After coordination, we went to Heidelberg to distribute Bibles today. During coordination, we were praying for many seeking ones to stop to have conversations with us. The Lord really answered our prayers. We passed out about 150 Bibles, and many people gave us their contact information wanting to set up appointments to read the Bible together. There are 3 sisters in Heidelberg that live there now.
Prayer Burdens:
 Pray for the beginning of the church life in Heidelberg and for some brothers to come to Heidelberg

Wednesday- May 16, 2018
Today we went to Mainz to distribute Bibles. Again, our prayers during coordination were that we would establish solid contacts who would be interested in meeting with us again. Some of the saints stayed behind to help a couple ( M+K) get their visa so that they may come to the summer training. In Mainz, while some of the trainees and local saints were distributing Bibles in the city center, the brother trainees met a contact from last week named Nathanael, a very positive contact. That evening, a couple who have been meeting with the saints for the past few months invited us over to their home for a meal. This was the first time that they had opened their home to the saints. This time was a sweet time of fellowship in which we were able to open to one another. I believe that they were encouraged to see ones their age who desire to serve the Lord.
Prayer burdens:
 Release the visa for M+K to come to the summer training
 Nathanael- Release more appointments and contact with the saints
 M+P- Continue to renew their mind and cause them to know their spirit and not be confused with their soul.

Thursday- May 16, 2018
We stayed in Frankfurt today to follow up with any contacts we had met since we would be leaving for the Berlin conference tomorrow. We really feel that the enemy is fighting. One contact who had been planning to meet with the brothers cancelled the appointment for the second time because he got food poisoning from the restaurant he went to the night before. Another student who have been very positive and was planning on going to the Berlin conference thought that the conference was the following week and so was not able to come to the conference this weekend. May the Lord continue to grace the saints to shepherd all of these students.
In the evening, some of the local saints in Frankfurt took the trainees to a restaurant to thank us for our labor. We felt that we needed to be thanking them rather than the other way around. They gave us each a Frankfurt mug as an easy way to remind us to pray for them in Frankfurt. May the Lord bless the church in Frankfurt!
Prayer Burdens:
 Bind the enemy and his tactics and release the students for appointments
 Supply and strengthen the saints to shepherd all the contacts in Frankfurt and the surrounding cities
– via The Genuine Christian Life