Europe Updating Report- 5/29/18 欧洲更新报告(二〇一八年五月29日)

Dear saints,

Thank you for all of your prayers. We give all the glory to God! Last February we had a wonderful blending trip and international conference in Taiwan. All of the saints from Italy were touched by the saints from Taiwan. We especially appreciated seeing the working out of the God-ordained way in Taiwan. Praise the Lord!
We have been taking full-time Italian classes since we got back to Italy. We especially enjoy that we can learn the Italian lesson in the morning and go to practice our Italian in the home meetings at night. Also, many of our classmates have Italian closed friends. We hope the Lord would use our Italian class to gain some of our classmates and their Italian friends. We will start a 2 year Italian course this September. Please pray that the Lord would sovereignly arrange our classmates and prepare sons of peace.
One of the sisters from Milan will graduate from full time training in London. 18 saints from Italy will attend her graduation. Most of saints haven’t been to London before. We hope this graduation would cause many young people to consecrate themselves to the full time training.  May the Lord gain His glory expression in the FTTL graduation.
4 of the young adults will attend the FTTL short-term training this June. A fifth sister will go to FTTA short-term training and stay with saints to experience  the campus church life for 3 weeks. She will also attend the live summer training and college training in the U.S. Please pray for  these 5 young adults.
Some new saints in San Marino have been open for visitation. Some saints from Naples, Rimini & Milan have been blending with them. May the Lord continue to open the door for raising up His testimony in San Marino.
Prayer burdens from Italy 5/29/18: 
1. Please pray for the Italian translation of the life-studies & Bible footnotes. 
2. Please pray for the 5 young adults in the short-term training this June. 
3. Please pray for the Lord’s move in San Marino. 
4. Please pray for the 18 saints attending the FTTL graduation and gain young people’s heart for full time training.
5. Please pray for the God-ordained way continue to be practiced in Italy. 
6. Please pray to prepare some sons of peace in our Italian class this September.
7. Please pray for a meeting hall in Milan. 
Psalms 110:3 Your people will offer themselves willingly In the day of Your warfare, In the splendor of their consecration. Your young men will be to You Like the dew from the womb of the dawn.

from a serving couple in Milan, Italy