Report on 2018 FTTA-XB Trainees’ Gospel Trip in France– (3) 二〇一八年安那翰全时间训练—波士顿延伸训练学员法国福音之旅报告(三)


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2018 FTTA-XB Gospel Trip Report – (3)
May 21, 2018


The resumption of the Table in Strasbourg took place on May 13, 2018. Because many of the saints were involved in the practical details of it and already had their hands full taking care of other matters, we took a turn in our time spent in Strasbourg and visited the local saints, especially the ones meeting in Strasbourg that has to commute for a long time just to meet us weekly. On Tuesday, we visited a family in Lautenbach, Germany which is about a 30-min drive from Strasbourg. The following day, we went to Seingbouse, a village north of Strasbourg that is about a 1.5-hr drive from Strasbourg, to visit another family. After having visited many saints, one local saint was touched by our constant visitations and said that although he lives in Strasbourg, he never took the opportunity to blend with many the saints outside of the meetings but through our visitations, he is now encouraged to be proactive in seeking out blending and fellowship outside of the weekly meetings. In addition to visiting local saints, there were some who were already taking care new ones. Since we had more free time than the local saints, we took the opportunity to pick up their burden and began to take care of the new ones that were under their care as well

Then from May 18th-20th, we spent our time in Paris. We distributed in Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, which is a residence Housing that houses around 6000 students. On Saturday, 18 Bibles were distributed and about 5 prayed to receive the Lord. There were also 5 who wanted further contact with the saints. There were only 8 saints (including 4 trainees) that were available to distribute Bibles but on Lord’s day, there were about 20 saints that participated in that time. Because there were many saints that participated in the distribution, some distributed Bibles by the Tram stop, which is next to Cité Universitaire.

On Lord’s day, there were close to 60 Bibles that were handed out and many wanted further contact with the local saints. One young man prayed to receive the washing of the Lord’s blood and to receive the Lord Himself into him. There was also one man who was already holding a Scofield Study Bible and we asked him if he would like a free Recovery Version Study Bible. Initially, he only wanted one but then he asked if he could have another one. He ended up receiving 3 copies because he wanted to give the third one as a gift!

After the Bible distribution, there was a love feast and a time of blending. The general feeling after this time was that many local saints now have a burning heart for the gospel and would like to have a gospel preaching living in Paris. For this to be carried out, they would like to have a regular time to go out corporately to preach the gospel.

Prayer Burdens:
 💙The fire for the gospel would continue to burn in the saint’s daily life in Paris as well as a regular set time to preach the gospel corporately.
 💙Blending among the local saints outside of the weekly meetings for the carrying out of the house-to-house church life in Strasbourg as well as the release of adequate care for the new ones.
– via The Genuine Christian Life