Fellowship from Munich, Germany来自德国慕尼黑的交通

Dear brothers,

We would like you to know what is happening in Munich. After 3 weeks of labor by the 7 FTTT trainees, in cooperation with the small number of local saints, they have now 142 active contacts, asking for further contact. Many, if not most, of these are native German-speaking students. They again are overwhelmed with positive response, and little or no way to meet the need. They already have had many positive responses in follow-up appointments with at least 34 new ones,  and 13 have already come to either a home meeting or a barbecue by the river.

Every time we have sown in that city over the past 2 years, we have an unprecedented response — largely from German young people. It seems the Lord must be doing something there. Right now there seems to be a good level of momentum and we need to pray and take action so that we, in cooperation with the Lord of the harvest, can gain some remaining fruit for the Lord’s interests in Munich.

We have asked the saints in Düsseldorf to listen to the plea of the Lord in Isaiah: “Who will go for Us? Whom shall I send?” May some rise up to respond, “Here am I—send me”. Many have responded, and will go to help, but we still do not have the right ones in Germany able to move to such a situation and properly head it up, that a solid container for the pouring out of the Spirit can be built up.

Brothers, please again pray, and consider in your area if anyone might be right to mention this to and encourage them to pray.

Much grace,