印度卢迪亚纳擘饼聚会 Lord’s Table Meeting in Ludhiana, India

The church in Ludhiana

What the Lord is seeking today is the local churches where the saints worship God with their experiences of Christ. This is the real offering to God. We need to experience Christ in our daily walk, and we must learn how to cook and prepare Christ so that we may bring Him to the meetings for a present to God. All the cakes, wafers, and portions of the meal offering were made and cooked at home and then brought to the Tent of Meeting. It is the same with us. Day by day we need to work on Christ: experience Him, enjoy Him, apprehend Him, and “cook” Him a little. We will then have something to bring to the meeting and present to God. This is the real worship, and this is the real recovery of the church life in all the localities. It is not just a matter of meeting together but of meeting with Christ as all kinds of offerings. It is by this that we are one, and it is also by this that we render our worship to God. It is absolutely different from today’s so-called Christian service. May the Lord be merciful to us so that we may be faithful to Him in this matter.


Source: https://www.facebook.com/prince.violet.5/posts/1568620679931737