主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一八年四月8日至14日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2018.4.8- 2018.4.14)

Prayer Burdens (2018.4.8- 2018.4.14) – via Lord’s Move to Asia

1. Pray for the propagation in Ta Khmau.
2. Pray for the propagation in coordination with 7 FTTT trainees in Battambang from 4/9-4/27.

1. Pray for the meeting hall in Lahore to be used by the Lord for the releasing of the truth, so that His people can come back to the unique ground of the church.
2. Pray for the sisters who join the sister’s meeting in Karachi to enter into the church life through enjoying the word of the ministry.

1. Pray for more Turkish gospel contacts and Rhema readers to be saved, come to know the truth, and be set free.
2. Pray for the newly saved Turkish saints to be stable in the church life.

1. 為大金甌的開展代禱。
2. 為4/9-4/27聖徒們與七位FTTT學員配搭開展馬德望代禱。

1. 為主使用拉合爾的會所釋放真理,使祂的子民回到召會獨一的立場代禱。
2. 為參加卡拉齊姊妹聚會的姊妹們,藉享受職事的話進入召會生活代禱。

1. 為土耳其人福音朋友和雷瑪書報讀者的得救代禱,使他們認識真理並得釋放。
2. 為初得救的土耳其聖徒穩固在召會生活中代禱。

Source: http://lmasia.org/zh-hans/%E7%A5%B7%E5%91%8A%E8%B4%9F%E6%8B%85/%E7%A5%B7%E5%91%8A%E8%B4%9F%E6%8B%85-%E5%9B%9B%E6%9C%88%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E5%91%A8-4/