一位弟兄的见证【我取用晨兴圣言内容为材料写申言稿的历程】| 花莲市召会 A Brother’s Testimony concerning His Experience of Taking HWMR Contents as Materials to Compose a Prophecy | The Church in Hualien City 已发表 2018-03-30 【葉順和 ─ 我取用晨興聖言內容為材料寫申言稿的歷程」】2018. 3. 29 花蓮市召會(日間班) Source: https://youtu.be/ah4IIh4VQQc
已发表 2019-06-03 The Church in Al Ain Visiting the Church in Sharjah, UAE 阿联酋艾因召会访问夏尔迦召会 May 31, 2019 The churc […]
已发表 2019-04-24 Serving Ones in the Kitchen Enjoying Hymns in the Churches of Philippines 菲律宾召会饭食服事者享受诗歌 Serving ones in the ki […]