祷告负担: 三月第四周
1. 为3/30-4/1分别在安得拉邦贡土耳与卡拉拉邦安加马尔伊市举行之两邦众召会的相调特会代祷,求主释放祂的说话,论到主恢复的目标,就是产生一个新人。
2. 为正在进行之六种印度语言圣经恢复本的翻译计划代祷,求主遮盖所有服事翻译之圣徒的三部分人,使对耶和华的认识充满全印度;也为相关的财务需要代祷。
1. 为3/29-4/2香港圣徒访问缅甸代祷。
2. 为缅文圣经恢复本的校对以及今年六月开始的印刷代祷。
Prayer Burdens – Week 4 of March
Pray for the increase of the small groups in Chittagong and may the Lord strengthen the brother who opens his house for a new group and enable him to consecrate himself to love the Lord and have bread-breaking meeting in his house weekly; also pray for six other saints who share rent with this brother to be recovered and live a normal church life.
1. Pray for the Blending Conference in Gurtur, AP & T, and Angamali, Kerala on March 30th to April 1st for the churches in the states of AP & T and Kerala, pray that the Lord can release His speaking concerning the Goal of the Lord’s Recovery – to Bring Forth the One New Man.
2. Pray for the ongoing translation of the Recovery Version Translation Project into 6 Indian languages (with one addition language to be started), pray for the Lord’s covering of the tripartite beings of all the translators so that the knowledge of Jehovah may fill the entire land of India. Please also remember the finances needed for this project.
1. Pray for the saints from Hong Kong visiting Myanmar from 3/29-4/2.
2. Pray for the final proofreading of the Holy Bible Recovery Version in Myanmar language and the printing starting in June 2018.
Sri Lanka
Pray for the children’s group meetings in each locality and may the Lord gain more open families and more children through this practice.