哥汉市召会大专生泰国访问之旅(下集) College Students from the Church in Kota Samarahan, Malaysia Visiting Thailand (Part 2) 已发表 2018-03-17 【哥汉市召会大专生泰国访问之旅影片(下集)】游玩篇 Source: https://www.facebook.com/TheChurchInKS/videos/1724069370994133/
已发表 2015-12-20 《多功能數位福音機 eZoe PLAYER》簡介 — YouTube A Brief Introduction on TWGBR Multifunctional and Digital eZoe PLAYER 多功能數位福音機eZoe PLAYER-簡單 […]
已发表 2017-02-18 Gospel Meeting at Tsim Sha Tsui Meeting Hall of the Church in Hong Kong 香港召会尖沙咀会所福音聚会 Gospel meeting on 2/12 […]