An Introduction of the Church in Seosan City, South Korea 韩国瑞山市召会介绍

Praise the Lord for the church in Seossan Korea. Let me introduce the church in Seosan city in Korea where I lived and grew. The church in Seosan city is the place where there are lots of shephering and nurturing and moreover, we have lots of brothers and sisters who work for our future next generations. Every saturday, for our children in the church our young sisters gather around and give Bible educations to those children. As you saints watch the video, my parents may come out on video. Seosan church started from our house. The testimony of our parents is that when there was no church near our home city, me, my mother and my brother had to ride bus for four hours in order to get to the Lord’s Table Meeting on different region. Since we took four hours to get there, the Lord’s Table Meeting was already started so we had to participate in the middle time of the Lord’s Table Meeting. After finish of the Lord’s Table Meeting, on the way back home we used to sing hymn in the bus and be thank to our Lord that we could participate on the Lord’s Table Meeting. So technically, we took eight hours for transportation on Sunday for back and forth. And now, we are having church life with full of love and energy by due to praying from our saints whose age are near 60 and opening home from young saints for meeting with nurturing children. Some few saints who participated our meeting from the beggining are still participating our meeting on present days now and some of them opened their church on the near regioin and coorperating. I felt lonely when I grew up in the church because there were lack of saints in general also lack of saints with same age of mine. But now, seeing many church children in our church, I really appreciate to our Lord. And also praise to the Lord on how much our saints love the Lord. May the Lord praise Seosan Church and especially, nurturing our church children and praise their future. Dear saints in all over the world. Please pray Seosan Church and also for church children to grow up well in Seosan Church.
