与您分享我见我闻我蒙恩 | 二O一八国际华语特会第二天 Sharing with You about What I’ve Seen and Heard and the Blessing I’ve Received during the Second Day of 2018 ICSC 已发表 2018-02-23 二O一八國際華語特會 第二天 我見我聞我蒙恩與您分享 2月17日 Source: https://youtu.be/BxNB6fEDFXc
已发表 2024-03-17 Preaching the Gospel through the Olympics in Paris, France 借着法国巴黎奥运传福音 Source:https:// […]
已发表 2018-03-09 Central and South Cluster Perfecting Conference in Philippines 菲律宾中部和南部集中成全训练 Central and South Clus […]