Newington/Woodbridge/CT(2) 二〇一八年安那翰全训学员赴Newington/Woodbridge/CT福音之旅(二)


Newington/Woodbridge, CT

January 24

Dear saints,

This week we have been enjoying the flowing in and flowing out of the riches of our Lord. Every morning, the trainees and the serving ones come together to enjoy the Lord and pray for the day. It has been so sweet to touch the Lord together in the morning, be filled with His joy and supply. Then we go to campus to contact students at the club table, join Bible studies, have appointments with the students, and go to various meetings every evening.

This morning we had breakfast with two middle-­‐aged brothers. Both were gained from the community. In 1997, the first Brother and his wife decided to visit the Church in Newington one Sunday and they were captured. Two years later (‘99), he went to Russia for a Bible distribution on very short notice by the leading of the Lord. I was touched because many times we want to know why and to know the outcome, but the Lord’s leading does not always come with a clear answer and outcome. What we need is to remain faithful to the Lord’s leading. That distribution, they handed out 750,000 Bibles. Every day we have the opportunity to preach the gospel to others, with words if necessary, but how often do we do it? May the Lord continue to train us and lead us in this matter of how to contact people for the sake of the gospel.

We are so thankful to see how the Lord answers our prayers. This morning during coordination, we mentioned specific names in our prayer that the Lord would bring to the Bible study, and the Lord was so faithful to bring 7 of them.

Please pray for:

  • For the Lord to reestablish the contact with the very positive students from last semester.
  • For the Lord to open a time with the new contacts.
  • For the Lord to bring one of our contacts to salvation.
  • For more students to come to the club table.
  • For the health of the trainees.

   Coordinating with a student and the full-­‐timers
