2018 FTTA Gospel Trip to NYC/Albany/Stony Brook (3) 二〇一八年安那翰全训学员赴纽约市/阿伯尼/石溪大学福音之旅(四) 


New York City/Albany/Stony Brook, New York

January 24

Dearest saints,

Today, we received BFA materials and prepared Bible and rhema sets to distribute at the NYU campus. Once we arrived at NYU, we sang songs in Washington Square Park across from the student center. It was very cold and we soon had a couple men come and stand next to us while we sang. Unfortunately, they became a distraction and seemed to hinder our singing and speaking to those that were passing by. At the time, we were discouraged, but we did our best to exercise our spirit to sing and touch the Lord as we were before all the other people. After we ended our singing, we came together as a team to pray and together we enjoyed this portion from the booklet Life’s Purpose – To Build the House of God, “Whenever a problem comes to the church, many brothers feel that they should immediately call a meeting and pray. You do not need to be hasty. Be at peace. Do not be terrified by Satan’s activity… The more the enemy tries to do, the more it affords the opportunity for the Lord to do something more.” After hearing this, we were very encouraged that there was nothing Satan could do to frustrate the Lord’s work. We prayed strongly for the rest of our day at NYU and that the Lord would gain the glory.

In the evening, we joined the campus Bible study at NYU. We enjoyed getting to know some of the students and fellowshipping with them over John chapter 9.

We passed out a total of 90 tracts, had 18 meaningful conversations (30 seconds or more), and gave out 1 Bible/rhema set.

Tomorrow, we will visit Columbia University and have appointments with the students that attend the university.

Please pray that:

  • The enemy would be bound and the Lord’s word could be released at NYU. Pray also for the students at NYU and their labor on their campus this semester.

●     Our appointments with the Columbia students tomorrow. Christ is Victor,

NYC/Albany/Stony Brook team

Source: http://beseeching.org/