2018 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trips to Puerto Rico (3) 二〇一八年安那翰全训学员赴波多黎各福音之旅(三)

2018 FTTA Gospel Trips

Report and Prayer Burdens #4

January 22, 2018


Puerto Rico

January 22

Dear saints,

Jesus is Lord in Puerto Rico! We were split into two teams in the twoneighboring cities, Dorado and Toa Alta. The team in Dorado visited a newbrother in his home on Friday morning with some of the local saints. Manyhymns were sung and there was an overflow on our experiences of the Lordwhen we entered the church life. This team then went on to eat lunch with thesaints in the Dorado meeting hall and to pray for the gospel preaching time inthe afternoon. In the gospel preaching time, we went to Dorado Plaza in frontof the Dorado city hall where we passed out tracts, prayed for many people,and four people prayed to receive the Lord. In the evening, the Dorado teamwent to visit a sister in her home to sing hymns with her family and then theyjoined some of the local saints in another home to eat dinner. There was muchhymn-singing after dinner for the rest of the night. The team in Toa Alta visitedsix homes of saints that are sick or have not been meeting.

On Saturday morning the team in Dorado went door-knocking in aneighborhood close to the home of some saints. After lunch this team went tovisit two homes to encourage the saints with the overflow from the trainees. Inone of the homes there were two sisters that had physical disabilities and theyencouraged us all with their strong exercise of their spirit. The team in Toa Altahad a recreation time with the young people and they then shared about thetraining with these young ones. At the end of this time, there was a full-timetraining Q&A session.

On Sunday, both teams came together and joined the Lord’s table in Toa Alta.During the prophecy meeting, they shared their experiences in the training andin Puerto Rico. Before leaving to San Juan, they enjoyed the Lord with thesaints in Dorado and Toa Alta one last time by singing many hymns. It was very hard to leave after enjoying the Lord so much with all these saints. In SanJuan, the trainees from Mexico, Anaheim, Paraguay, Anaheim, and some localsaints from San Juan ate dinner together and the trainees from Anaheimoverflowed their enjoyments in Puerto Rico.

Prayer Burdens:

  1. For the thorough blending with the local saints in San Juan for the rest of thegospel trip.
  2. For the encouragement of the young people and the college students tohave the desire to attend the full-time training.
