North America: South Central Oklahoma City, OK 2018 FTTA Gospel Trip to Oklahoma City (3) 二〇一八年安那翰全训学员赴俄克拉何马城福音之旅 (三)

Praise the Lord!

On Thursday the team was split into two groups. One group was in Norman and the other was in Edmond. In Norman, 26 were contacted at the table in the morning and 34 students came to the solid ground meeting this evening. So many new faces! The sister from India that we met yesterday came and enjoyed the time. Also, 5,000 flyers were passed out on the OU campus
between Tuesday and Wednesday.

In Edmond we had a bit of a struggle with the table in the morning and no students came to the Bible study at noon, so we were a bit discouraged. But hallelujah! 21 came to the solid ground meeting. One brother from Korea saw our banners in the university center and wandered into the meeting. He said his English isn’t that good and the speaking was too fast for him, but he could tell that we “really are God’s people.” Praise the Lord!

On Friday we had a table in the student union at OU and an event called “Coffee and Cocoa Connect” at the campus house in Norman. This was just a time for the students to get to know one another. We didn’t get an exact count, but there were several new ones there.

After coordination in OKC, a team of two students, two trainees, and two full timers went up to Still water to blend, to table, and to attend the college meeting. On the campus we passed out four Bibles and six flyers, and had two really positive contacts. Three new freshman students came to the college meeting!

On Saturday, three teams in Edmond, Oklahoma City, and Norman hung door hangers for free New Testament Recovery Versions in various neighborhoods. The burden for this time was just to get the ministry out there, so we didn’t knock on any doors (though we did talk to a few people…. We met a former astronaut. He was a back-up for Apollo 13. He even autographed a picture of himself for us. He also took a door hanger). We didn’t get numbers for Oklahoma City, but 229 were hung in Edmond and 250 were hung in Norman. We will also go out tomorrow.

Prayer burdens:
1) That all of the students would continue to have an appetite for the word and the ministry of the word.
2) The community saints in Edmond would be released for the labor in that city and on the University of Central Oklahoma     (UCO) campus.
3) The white horse would run in Edmond, Oklahoma City and Norman as we knock on doors Saturday and Lord’s Day
4) That the Lord would raise up a core group of students in Stillwater and that He would add to the church there!
5) The Lord would bless these door hangers! That they would get into the hands of some seeking ones and that they would order a Bible!
6) The Lord would bring many new ones to the porch meetings for the next three Lord’s Day’s.
