2018 FTTA Gospel Trips
Report and Prayer Burdens 3
January 21, 2018
North America: South Central
Denton, Texas
Praise the Lord dear saints,
This morning and afternoon we had the opportunity to table at two locations on the University of North Texas campus. From this time:
1. 2 people prayed to receive the Lord
2. 10 people are open to having more contact with us through Bible study appointments
3. We passed out a total of tracts which included an event calendar.
4. We had 13 follow up appointments with our new contacts.
Last night we had our final welcome dinner for the week and this time was so uplifted. Many of the new ones we have met thus far are so positive. After the welcome dinner we had the opportunity to enter into some content during the Bible study time. The content we went over was The Divine Romance. This topic was not easy for many to understand fully but many were able to see that the Lord is longing for His bride, and the bride is His church.
One new student was so impressed to see that God is incomplete. At first he could not fathom the thought that God was not complete. But after further fellowship he became so clear. Another student questioned the meaning of her life, her purpose. She has gone through the book of Genesis over 20 times just trying to figure it out. This was very impressive. Because of the opening of the word many came to the realization, the understanding that God desires much more than us to be good, to only
worship him or to fulfill some service. He desires us to love Him.
Prayer Burdens:
1. That many students would be open to come to the open house that we will have this upcoming Lord’s
day. May many see much more concerning the Lord’s heart.
2. We also pray that all the students that we have met throughout the week will set up Bible
appointments for the remainder of the term.
In Him,
Denton, Texas gospel team