2018 FTTA Trainees’ Gospel Trip to San Diego, California and Prayer Burdens 二〇一八年安那翰全训学员赴加州圣地亚哥福音之旅及代祷负担

San Diego, California

January 19

Praise the Lord for His move in San Diego!

On Saturday, we arrived at San Diego meeting hall for blending with the serving team, and then went to the student brothers’ house for student coordination and met with the students.

On Lord’s Day we attended the Lord’s Table at on University of California: San Diego (UCSD) Campus. In the evening, we had a student gathering in one leading brother’s home, where we got to hear his and his wife’s testimony for students’ and our encouragement.

On Monday, because the school was in holiday, we took the opportunity to go sightseeing in the morning and afternoon. Afterward, we went to a home meeting and had a wonderful blending and singing time.

And on Thursday we also had a bible study on evening on campus, where we had a huge turnout. We enjoyed on the matter of being the witness for the Lord.

From Tuesday to Thursday, we had a gospel time in UCSD, where we helped out with the tabling, while going out to preach the gospel as well. We met quite a few positive ones on the campus. Just to give you an overview:
Stats Report from Jan 16-18:
Tracts passed out: 160
Ones contacted for more than 30 seconds: 42
And those who prayed to receive the Lord: 7

Prayer burden:

• SD County Conference: It is an annual weekend conference that had been held in San Diego. It is starting tomorrow evening, and will go on until Lord’s day afternoon. Please do pray that the Lord would grant a strong beginning and a prevailing atmosphere in the first meeting.
• May the students continue to be blended with the trainees and be much encouraged in their going on and their consideration for the training.
• Pray for the contacts that we had from the tabling and gospel time this week to be connected with the students.

Source: http://beseeching.org/beseeching/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/2018-FTTA-Gospel-Trips-Report-2-January-19.pdf