Report on the Winter School of Truth in Slovakia 斯洛伐克寒假真理学校报道

Dear Saints,
Report on the Winter School of Truth (26-31 December 2017) from the Serving Ones in Slovakia

We would like to give you a little report from our time during the Winter School of Truth (WST) in Holland. Altogether more than 250 young people (YP) and serving ones from all of Europe attended the WST in Holland this time. This was the largest WST in Holland until now. Our group, composed of the YP from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, and Croatia, was composed of 23 persons, including the serving ones. The subject of this year’s WST was “The Two Spirits.”
The atmosphere during the WST was high, and the Lord was able to release the burden of “The Two Spirits” in a very clear and applicable way. In 2016 we saw the Triune God, and during this year ́s WST we saw that the Spirit is the Applier. The life-giving Spirit makes the Triune God experiential to us. We also saw that the vital key to enjoying this all-inclusive Spirit is our human spirit. Our spirit is the residence of the Spirit of God. The divine Spirit is wonderful and available, but if we do not know about our human spirit, He is very hard to experience. In these two spirits we can see God’s entire economy, in which the Triune God wants to dispense Himself into us to produce the Body of Christ. To be in this economy, we need to know these two spirits. These two spirits are also what every man needs, so we have the responsibility to tell everyone about this.

A total of 12 messages were given during our sessions, and we read through the 24 chapters of the lesson book The Two Spirits during our group times. In December 2017, right before we went to the WST, we finished reading the material from the 2017 European Young People’s Conference (in Poland) on the kingdom of God, and now we plan to continue to use the material from the WST.

Our Continuation in 2018

During the last half of 2017 we read through the entire New Testament with the young people. In 2018 we will continue with our Bible reading Challenge and also with the morning revival for the YP. Actually, we already started the new Bible reading Challenge on 1 January with the Gospels, and we will continue through the whole New Testament again. Regarding morning revival, we will continue to use the morning revival books prepared for the new believers (see Holy Word for Morning Revival, Topics for New Believers, by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee).

We would also like to open to you the matter of the blending of the YP. In 2017 we had three gatherings of the YP from Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Ukraine, and Poland. In 2018 we would like to continue and make these times accessible to more YP from our region. Besides the larger blending meetings, we would like to also encourage and support smaller blending meetings or visits of the YP among various localities, in which YP from one locality visit YP in a different locality.

In all these things we need the blessing which the Lord pours out on His Body, so that all of this will produce something of the Body and for the Body. May the Lord produce young people who see the Body, honor the Body, and live the life of the Body.

The saints who serve with the YP in Slovakia,

The vision of the WST: Regional YP Blending meeting:
