哥汉青职圣徒户外相调(一) Young Working Saints’ Outdoor Blending in the Church of Kota Samarahan, Malaysia (1)

哥汉青职圣徒两天一夜户外相调 (上)| KS Young Working Saints 2 Days 1 Night Blending (PART 1)

In order to be harmonized, blended, adjusted, mingled,
and tempered in the Body life, we have to go through
the cross and by the Spirit, dispensing Christ to others for
the sake of the Body of Christ.

A Patten of the Healthy Words – Chapter 24 The Practice of Blending


健康话语的规范–第二十四课 相调的实行

Source: https://www.facebook.com/TheChurchInKS/videos/1620662484668156/