台北市中区十个会所桃园慈湖相调 Saints from Ten Meeting Halls of the Church in Taipei City Going to Cihu, Taoyuan City for Blending 已发表 2017-11-21 Source: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=164318010830456&id=100017567734814
已发表 2017-05-09 彰投区众召会相调暨二林召会成立聚会与福音游行 Meeting for the Establishing of the Church in Erling and for the Blending of the Churches in Changhua-Nantou and the Gospel Parade Source: https://www.fa […]
已发表 2016-07-16 关于耶路撒冷访问、相调、游学 | 员林市召会周迅 The Church of Yunlin’s Weekly News concerning the Visiting, Blending and Studying in Jerusalem 员林市召会7月份周迅: 關於耶路撒冷訪問、相 […]