欢迎来阿尔巴尼亚投资,开展见证(双语文本) Welcome to Invest in Albania for the Propagation of the Lord’s Testimony (Bilingual Texts)


 阿尔巴尼亚是一个非常年轻的民主国家。 这个国家于二十世纪90年代初向自由市场敞开了大门。 在此之前,阿尔巴尼亚是一个封闭的国家(他们曾有自己的共产主义形式,与今天的朝鲜相似)。在二十世纪70年代,阿尔巴尼亚唯一的贸易伙伴是中国。自二十世纪90年代以来, 阿尔巴尼亚向外国投资敞开了大门。许多国家开始前来开发阿尔巴尼亚丰富的自然资源,如水能,矿产和石油。阿尔巴尼亚的主要出口是农产品。目前阿尔巴尼亚正在努力 将自己打造为巴尔干地区的旅游胜地。

Welcome to Invest in Albania for the Propagation of the Lord’s Testimony

Albania is a very young democracy that opened its door to the open market in the early 90’s.  Prior to that Albania was a closed country (they had their own form of communism similar to today’s North Korea).  At one point in the 70’s Albania’s only trading partner was China.  Since the 90’s Albania has open her doors to foreign investment.  Many countries are exploiting Albania rich natural resources such as hydro energy, minerals and oil. Albania’s main export is agriculture. Currently Albania is trying to position itself as a tourist destination in the Balkans.
The population of Albania is very young.  Due to lack of jobs and opportunities many of the young people learn English, Italian and German with hopes of working abroad.
We see a lack of manufacturing in the country lack of real job opportunities.  If there are brothers or sisters that are in manufacturing and selling to Europe or want to sell to Europe, Albania could be a potential stepping stone to bring products to mainland Europe.
My family and I have been in Albania for 5 years and we have access to decision makers in the county and can help facilitate with contacts and more information.
 Please contact us if you have any questions.
E-mail address: david@tiranaschool.org