Please pray for 2017 Autumn European University Conference in Oswestry, UK 请为二〇一七年秋季英国奥斯沃斯特里欧洲大专特会代祷

Autumn European University Conference in Oswestry, UK (3-5 November)

Please pray for this gathering of university students from all over Europe. Pray that:

The Lord will release a timely word from the ministry and speak to each student personally

Each student will love the Lord more and have a clearer vision of the Lord, His economy and heart’s desire, and His move on earth to build up His Body and prepare His bride

Every attendee will have a fresh consecration to the Lord to be one with Him for His ultimate move

This conference will advance the blending of all the students in Europe and give them the sense that they are members of the Lord’s one Body and of the one new man on the whole earth