A Brief Report on the Bible Distribution in Germany 德国分发圣经简报

A Brief Report on the Bible Distribution in Germany

Over the four days from October 9-12, approximately 300 saints participated in Bible distribution activities covering many parts of Germany. These saints were based in 10 cities and formed 55 teams.

During the four days 53 cities were visited, including 39 university campuses. A total of 17,366 Bibles were given out. Numerous encounters with open, seeking Germans and a small number of international students were reported by the saints. Here are just two of these reports:

In one location the saints were handing out Bibles and noticed a police officer observing them from a distance. He then walked past them slowly a few times. Finally, he turned and began to approach them again. They were certain that he was going to tell them to either cease what they were doing or
relocate. When he came up to them, he said, “I would like two.” He returned a few minutes later and said, “Can I have another one for my boss?”

On one campus the brothers gave out a Bible to a student who identified himself as the leader of a campus Christian group. He really liked the Bible after he began to look at it and soon began to fellowship with the brother who gave it to him. The brother shared with him about Eve being a type of
the church. The young student was so enthralled by this fellowship that he asked one of the brothers if he and the brothers could arrange a Bible Study with his entire group.

Week two of the distribution began today, primarily utilizing the trainees from FTTA and FTTA-XB. We plan to cover another 30 campuses this week. Please continue to pray that the Lord of the harvest will sow and reap from this lovely outreach. The Word of God is living and operative in Deutschland!

The serving brothers in Germany
