刘遂「诗歌赏析」「How to Appreciate Hymns」Spoken by LiuSuey 已发表 2017-10-07 【 劉遂「詩歌賞析(5)《我求更深》補充本406」】2017. 10. 5 花蓮市召會日間班 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYvEh-vh4_o
已发表 2019-07-21 Lord’s Table Meeting during the International College Training in Asia at Thailand 泰国亚洲国际大专训练期间擘饼聚会 Lord ‘s day at T […]
已发表 2016-09-15 祭司体系,事奉活神 | 台北市召会 The Priesthood Serving the Living God | The Church in Taipei City 祭司體系,事奉活神 弟兄事奉成全聚會,於九月 […]
已发表 2016-02-29 Conference for French-speaking Young People’s in Switzerland (Photos) 瑞士法语青少年特会(图片) Conférence pour les je […]