How One Sister was Addicted to the Bible and to the Ministry 一位姊妹是如何沉醉在圣经和职事书报里 已发表 2017-09-29 How one sister was addicted to the Bible and to the ministry. Source:
已发表 2018-04-23 『召会行动方向吹号』| 花莲市召会 Blowing Trumpet for the Direction of the Church’s Move|The Church in Hualien City 王浸恩 「『召會行動方向吹號』晨興聖言 主恢 […]
已发表 2021-02-06 【柯顺清「『苦难不能成全人,是要在苦难中看见神的作为』晨兴圣言《约伯记、箴言、传道书结晶读经一》第三周」】2021. 2. 6 花莲市召会 Source:https://youtu.b […]