主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一七年九月17日至23日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2017.9.17- 2017.9.23)

1. 为9/30-10/2在清奈举行的印度全国集调代祷,求主遮盖整个聚会并使万有归一,使祂能自由的向众召会说话并将众召会调在一起,为着祂的见证。
2. 为印度主要城市的校园开展代祷,使主在校园中得着上好的材料为着祂的建造和祂在印度的行动。

1. 为9/27-10/11九位尼泊尔圣徒参加印度全国集调并与众召会相调,看见召会生活的模型以及一个新人的实际代祷。
2. 为波卡拉的圣徒实行两三位的活力排,每周三次一同祷告、实行家聚会、外出传福音和牧养,为着召会的扩增和建造而代祷。


Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2017.9.17- 2017.9.23)
1. Pray for the National Blending Conference of India in Chennai from 9/30-10/2, so that the Lord can cover and head up the entire conference in order to have a free way to speak to the churches and blend all the churches together for His testimony.
2. Pray for the campus propagation in the major cities in India, so that the Lord can gain good materials from the campuses for the sake of His building and His move in this country.
1. Pray for the 9 local saints to participate in the National Blending Conference in India and blend with the churches from 9/27-10/11 that the saints can see the model of the church life and the reality of the one new man.
2. Pray for the saints in Pokhara to practice vital groups in 2’s or 3’s that they can pray, have home meetings and go out for gospel and shepherding three times a week for the increase and building up of the church.