高雄市中山大学学生中心期初相调 New Semester Blending of the College Students from National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung City


機電一 馮國柱 弟兄 &
應數一 李若寧 (Ruoning Lee) 姊妹

Each one has

What then, brothers? What then, sisters?
What then, shall we do?
Whenever you come together as the church?
What then, brothers? What then, sisters?
What then, shall we do?
Whenever you come together as the church?

Each one has a psalm to sing with the saints,
Each one has a teaching to share with the saints,
Each one has a revelation, tongue, and interpretation.
Let all things be done for building up.

林前 14章26節:「弟兄們,這卻怎麼樣?每逢你們聚在一起的時候,各人或有詩歌,或有教訓,或有啟示,或有方言,或有繙出來的話,凡事都當為建造。」

Source: https://www.facebook.com/357604111303390/videos/453279655069168/?autoplay_reason=all_page_organic_allowed&video_container_type=0&video_creator_product_type=2&app_id=2392950137&live_video_guests=0