主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一七年九月10日至16日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2017.9.10- 2017.9.16)

Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2017.9.10- 2017.9.16)

1. Pray for the translation of the Holy Word for Morning Revival.
2. Pray for the translation work of the New Testament Recovery Version into Khmer.

1. Pray for the start of the 10th batch of the Nazarite Training with 14 trainees that the Lord may gain them and use them for His move in Vietnam.
2. Pray for the Perfecting Training for Shepherds in Cong Hai from 9/22-9/23 that the leading brothers would be perfected in shepherding the churches.

1. 为9/11-9/20海外圣徒在孟加拉国平安的访问并传扬福音代祷;愿那灵借着圣徒们说话,点活真正的寻求者并将他们带进基督生机身体的建造。
2. 为在达喀尔和吉大港实行神命定之路,使新人和新得着的家藉固定的牧养成为常存的果子和身体的活肢体代祷。


1. 为晨兴圣言的翻译代祷。
2. 为高棉语新约恢复本圣经的翻译代祷。


1. 为第十期拿细尔人训练的开训代祷,求主得着参加的十四位学员并使用他们为着祂在越南的行动。
2. 为9/22-9/23在Cong Hai举行的牧人成全训练,所有领头的弟兄们在牧养召会上得成全代祷。

source: Lord’s Move to Asia