主在亚洲的行动祷告负担(二〇一七年八月15日至21日) Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens (2017.8.15- 2017.8.21)

祷告负担: 八月第三周


1. 为圣徒们过活力排的生活而得成全并实行神命定之路代祷。
2. 为几个关键家,特别是弟兄们受主话吸引而成为柱子背负见证代祷。

1. 为分散在土耳其各处圣徒的工作生活代祷,求主保守弟兄姊妹活在身体的交通和对基督的享受中。
2. 为圣徒们得释放参加九月的集调聚会并有合式的聚会场地代祷。


Prayer Burdens – Week 3 of August


Pray for the Tamil Nadu Responsible Brothers’ Perfecting in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu from August 25-27, that the brothers can be perfected as the corporate priesthood in each locality to carry out the church life according to the God-Ordained Way for the building up of God’s spiritual house.


1. Pray for the saints to live a vital group life, that they can be perfected and practice the God-ordained way.

2. Pray for few key families especially brothers to be attracted by the word, that they can become the pillars to bear the testimony.


1. Pray for the living and work of the saints scattered across Turkey and for them to be kept in the fellowship of the Body and in the enjoyment of Christ.

2. Pray for the saints and the meeting place to be released for the blending meeting in September.


Pray for the propagation in Ba Ria, My Tho and Hanoi which will end on 8/28 and may the Lord raise up the testimony in Ba Ria, strengthen the church in My Tho and gain more students in Hanoi.


Source: http://lmasia.org/zh-hans/