台湾圣徒歌唱“惟见荣耀里的基督” | 歌珊之约 Saints in Taiwan Singing “Oh! the Joy”| Goshen Prayer 已发表 2017-07-29 惟見榮耀裏的基督 BY33美軍俱樂部相調 20170727 Source:
已发表 2018-03-09 How Can We Enter into the Body Life that Was Described by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12? | Christians on Campus at UC Berkeley 我们如何才能进入使徒保罗在罗马书十二章所描述的召会生活 | 加州大学柏克莱分校校园基督徒 How can we live as mem […]
已发表 2017-02-19 花莲市召会高峰福音诗歌聚会 Singing Meeting for Preaching the High Gospel in the Church of Hualien Source: https://www.yo […]
已发表 2016-10-14 Recap Video on the Saints from the Philippines Blending with the Saints at Hall 27 of Taipei, Taiwan 菲律宾圣徒与台北二十七会所圣徒相调回顾视频 Saints from the Philip […]