Offerings for the Lord’s Move to Europe 为着主在欧洲的行动奉献财物

Offerings for the Lord’s Move to Europe

Offerings given for a specific purpose should be designated. Undesignated offerings will be used to meet the general needs of the work. To support the gospel work in Europe, designate your gift for “European Gospel Work.” You can also designate for “Boston Trainees to Europe,” “UK Radio Work,” “Distribution of Bibles in Europe,” “UK Building Fund,” or other uses. Please specify your designation clearly.

Contribute Online

To submit a secure online donation, please read the e-Offerings page.

Contribute by Mail

Please make checks payable to Church in Anaheim/LME and mail offerings to: P.O. Box 9107, Anaheim, CA 92812 USA

Please do not mail offerings to our bank, as we have no way to know who the offering is from.

Contribute by Bank Wire

For bank wiring information please see LME Wire Instructions .

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Lord’s Move to Europe (LME) is a gospel mission project of the Church in Anaheim (a recognized section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization under the Internal Revenue Code) that furthers the church’s tax-exempt purpose of spreading the gospel of the kingdom in the whole inhabited earth. In accordance with IRS guidelines, the Church in Anaheim may raise funds through LME to support specific projects of a foreign charitable organization or a local church that have been approved by the Directors of the Church in Anaheim as being in furtherance of its tax-exempt purpose. However, all funds donated for LME are subject to the complete discretion and control of the Directors of the Church in Anaheim. Donors may request that their offerings be used to support a particular need, which may be taken into consideration with respect to the gospel mission of LME, but such requests are not binding on LME and the Church in Anaheim. Adherence to these IRS guidelines ensures that offerings made to the Church in Anaheim for LME may qualify as tax-deductible charitable contributions.