Lord’s Move to Asia Prayer Burdens 主在亚洲的行动祷告负担


1. Pray for the Responsible Brothers’ Training from 7/21-7/23.

2. Pray for the translation work of the New Testament Recovery Version into Khmer.


1. Pray for the spread of the gospel, especially for the contact with the young people and the follow-up shepherding and may the Lord take away their veils and create a genuine hunger within them; also pray for the propagation of the gospel through the internet to be more effective.

2. Pray for the living and work of the saints scattered across Turkey and for them to be kept in the fellowship and joining of the Body to be light and salt in their place.  


1. 为7/21-23举行的负责弟兄训练代祷。

2. 为高棉语新约恢复本圣经的翻译计划代祷。


1. 为福音传扬,特别为与青年人的接触以及后续的看望牧养代祷,求主除去他们的帕子,并使他们里面有真实的渴慕;也为在网络上福音的推广更有果效代祷。

2. 为分散在土耳其各处圣徒的工作生活代祷,求主保守弟兄姊妹活在身体的交通和联结里,在各处作光作盐。