台北市儿童排研讨总结交通─总结 Fellowship concerning the Children’s Group in the Church of Taipei City— the Concluding Word 已发表 2017-06-10 06/10 北市兒童排研討總結交通─總結 2017.06.10 AT 信基大樓7F Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXIQeQIMpOQ
已发表 2017-04-23 【以色列生活特辑】滴灌技术 【The Features of Life in Israel】Drip Irrigation Technology 【以色列生活生活特輯part1滴灌技術】 以 […]
已发表 2018-07-07 【刘遂 『得胜的基督』 ─ 召会作为新人的属灵争战 (三)】 花莲市召会”The Victorious Christ-The Spiritual Warfare of the Church As the New Man” Spoken by LiuSuey | The Church in Hualien City 【劉遂 「『得勝的基督』 ─ 召會作為新人的 […]
已发表 2018-06-18 Praising the Lord through a Hymn during the Lord’s Table Meeting of Two Barangays of the Church in Malabon, Philippines 菲律宾马拉闵召会两镇擘饼聚会期间借唱诗歌赞美主 How mysterious yet how […]