基隆市召会主日聚会圣徒歌唱“主阿,我爱你” Saints Singing “O, Lord, I Love You” during the Lord’s Day Meeting | The Church in Keelung City 已发表 2017-05-28 主阿,我爱你~补充本327首(基隆市召会〜主日聚会) Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jo0t3M8X-HY
已发表 2017-05-29 Singing during the 2017 Memorial Day Conference 二〇一七年国殇节特会唱诗 唱诗:Mingling is the way […]
已发表 2018-05-01 二〇一八年春季蒙召参训见证(三)-荣耀吸引,渴望受成全2018 Spring FTTT Trainees’ Testimony for Calling Saints to Attend the Full-time Training(3)—Attracted by the Glory and Desiring to Be Perfected 2018春季蒙召參訓見證(三)-榮耀吸引,渴 […]