Encouraging Responses from BFA Blog Visitors “圣经为美国”博客访客激励人的回应

Encouraging Responses from BfA Blog Visitors

More than 20,000 people currently subscribe to the BfA blog, and thousands more visit each month when they discover BfA blog posts through Google search. The blog aims to nourish believers seeking spiritual help online through short, easily-digestible posts about basic biblical truths and Christian experience.

Sometimes blog visitors leave comments on posts they find especially helpful. This year, for example, the post What Is Consecration and Why Do I Need to Consecrate Myself to God has been viewed over 20,000 times and received many encouraging comments, such as those included below.

“I am truly blessed by this insightful truth. I never really knew how to go about it. I felt consecration belonged to special people of God.” —Isi

“I am glad I chose your link when trying to understand consecration. Sometimes in churches we throw around terms that seem so deep and profound that I often feel like I’m lacking after 24 years of walking with Jesus. I am glad you explained it with such simplicity. Now I know when I’m dry or feel my growth is stunted, all I have to do is make it a daily habit of being consecrated, set apart to God and desiring his will over my life thoroughly. Thanks so much.” —Donna

“…I decided to search for the meaning of the word consecration in my Bible, but I got just 2 references in the Old Testament that didn’t help to define the meaning or make me understand what it meant. So, I prayed to God to help me find the true meaning and I was led to this site. Thank God for whoever wrote this article. Thank you for taking the time to define, explain why we need to consecrate ourselves, showing Bible quotes (which is very key for me in accepting any doctrine) and explicitly writing out the prayers of consecration to be prayed. God bless you.” —Tolu

“I absolutely love it! It’s powerful and simple; great for long time believers and new converts. Truly a wonderful resource and tool for the salvation, transformation, and restoration of souls. May God continue to richly bless you in all His ways!” —Elizabeth

Please continue to pray:

For the BfA blog.
That people searching online would be connected with the BfA blog posts that can answer their questions and nourish them with Christ.

That the Lord would lead and supply the BfA staff in writing new posts that could minister to the need of so many spiritually hungry people looking for answers on the Internet.
