Hymn Presentation and Testimonies during 2017 National Conference in Mexico City, Mexico 二〇一七年墨西哥墨西哥城全国特会诗歌展览及见证

Mexico City, Mexico – Hymn presentation and testimonies during the National Conference from April 14-16, 2017. -via Santiago Ibarra Arias

Hymn 473 in our hymnal is wonderful. When I went back to Taiwan in October of 1984, this hymn was so sweet. We could not stop the singing of this hymn, and it stirred up many hearts. I like every line except for the last one, so we can replace “Whence doubt and fear are gone” with “And kingdom yet to come.” Verse 3 refers to the holy bargain, the fragment for the whole. When we sacrifice a fragment to the Lord, we gain the whole earth! When we serve Him, everyone and everything serve us—“All men and all events alike must serve the ransomed soul” (verse 3). We all need to speak and sing this hymn again and again. (Elders’ Training, Book 08: The Life-Pulse of the Lord’s Present Move, Chapter 8)

Rom 14:8 – For whether we live, we live to the Lord, and whether we die, we die to the Lord. Therefore whether we live or we die, we are the Lord’s.