Saints in Taiwan singing Hymns at a Park and Attracting Some Seeking Ones 台湾圣徒公园唱诗并吸引一些寻求的人

Saints in Taiwan singing hymns at a park and attracting some seeking ones. – via Cheyenne Chen

When the apostle Paul spoke of the Christian life in the book of Ephesians, he specifically mentioned singing hymns and praying (5:18-19; 6:18). Both of these matters are related to our spirit. In order to sing hymns of praise to God, we need to “be filled in spirit,” and when we pray, we need to pray “every time in spirit.” Paul’s writing was based on personal experience, and the book of Acts shows how the apostles lived.

On one hand, they sang hymns of praise to God (2:47; 16:25), and on the other hand, they prayed (1:24; 6:4; 9:40; 10:9; 13:3; 14:23; 16:25). This is how they lived in ordinary circumstances and in difficult circumstances. When Paul and Silas were in prison, they sang hymns of praise to God; their singing resulted in a great earthquake that opened the prison doors (16:19-26). When they encountered problems, they cried out to the Lord. They sang hymns in spirit and prayed in spirit. As a result, their spirit was strengthened and released. (The Priesthood and God’s Building, Chapter 16)
