College Students in Lyon, France Enjoying a Sweet Church Life at Home 法国里昂大专学生家中享受甜美的召会生活

College students in Lyon, France enjoying a sweet church life in the homes. – via Chrétiens aux Campus à Lyon

Acts 2:46 says, “And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house.” Furthermore, we see in verse 42 that they were continuing steadfastly in the teaching of the apostles. Here we see a clear picture that the church meetings include on the one hand the big meetings and on the other hand the small gatherings. The big meetings were in the temple and the small gatherings were from house to house. In the big meetings in the temple surely Peter spoke and others listened to his speaking. When it came to the meetings from house to house, there must have been a good number of people sharing what they had heard in the temple.
