Singing during the 2017 Spring ITERO 二〇一七年春国际长老及同工训练唱诗

Hallelujah Christ is Victor!! He shall reign eternally!! Singing during the 2017 Spring ITERO – via Church in Prosser

The meeting is a testimony of the victory of Christ. The meeting of God’s people is a testimony of the victory of Christ in God’s people over His enemy. Look at the situation: when the children of Israel were there under the tyranny of Pharaoh in Egypt, there was no salvation; there was no victory over Pharaoh. The children of Israel, the people of God, were all defeated and captured. They were under a kind of tyranny. But when they assembled at Mount Sinai that meant a victory over Pharaoh, over Egypt, over Satan, over all his demons!

Today the church meetings are an exhibition of the victory of Christ over all the demons and the Devil in all of us. If Christ had not defeated Satan, how could we be here? We might be at the beach or in a movie theater or in some nightclub or in a ball game. When we were in those places we were captured; we were under the tyranny of Satan. About sixty years ago I was there. But hallelujah! today I am not there. Today I am on Mount Sinai meeting with all the saints. Our being here in the meeting is a testimony of the victory of Christ. (Experiencing Christ as the Offerings for the Church Meetings, Chapter 1)
