Special Fellowship with the Burden of the Propagation of the Truth in the Lord’s Recovery during the Second Day of the 2017 Spring ITERO 二〇一七年春国际长老及负责弟兄训练第二天特别交通在主恢复中推广真理的负担

Special Fellowship with the Burden of the Propagation of the Truth in the Lord’s Recovery during the Second Day of the 2017 Spring (ITERO)

“Now the Lord recovery has spread to the six major continents; there are those everywhere who love the Lord and hunger after the Lord’s truth. This urgent need is something that we have no way to take care of fully. It does not mean that we have no supply; rather, we have the top supply here, but these supplies are not fully distributed yet.” (Words of Training for the New Way, vol. 1, p. 33)

Information: http://ministrypropagation.org/
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Email: faithfulanddiligent@gmail.com

Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/?fref=ts