Children Singing a Song in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 柬埔寨金边儿童唱诗

Children Phnom Penh Cambodia singing a song.

We should all be able to do the children’s work. It is good enough to gather some children together and teach them to sing a few songs. One does not have to be able to sing well. On the contrary, children like the older sisters who sing short songs off-key. When we go out to work, there should be nothing that we cannot do. (The Vision, Living and Work of the Lord’s Serving Ones, Chapter 20)

Matt. 19:13 Then little children were brought to Him that He might lay His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them.
Matt. 19:14 But Jesus said, Allow the little children and do not prevent them from coming to Me, for of such is the kingdom of the heavens.
