Combined Lord’s Table Meeting in Dubai, UAE 阿联酋迪拜集中擘饼聚会

Dubai, UAE – Combined Lord’s Table Meeting, March 24, 2017. Subject for fellowship: The Increase of Christ. – via Lord’s recovery in UAE

We need to be impressed that the church life is not a matter of doctrine; rather, it is Christ Himself realized by us in our daily life. We are the members of Christ. He is the divine vine, and we are the branches (John 15:5). We need to abide in Him and take Him not only as our life but also as everything to us. We need to live, walk, and do everything in Him, by Him, and through Him. Although we may know this already, it is one thing to know something, and it is another thing to realize it in our experience. If we deny our self and live by Christ, that is, if we put off the old man and put on the new man by putting on Christ as life and as everything to us (Rom. 13:14), there will be no need to talk about unity, because we will already be in the oneness of the church. The oneness of the church is nothing other than Christ experienced by us as the Spirit. It is not a matter of teachings. The more we talk about teachings, the more we will be divided, but the more we give up teachings and take Christ as everything to us, the more we will realize the oneness of the church. (The Living that Fulfills God’s Eternal Purpose, Chapter 1)
