2017 Spring Break Trip to Mansfield, Cleveland and Pittsburg | Christians on Campus at the Ohio State University 二〇一七年俄亥俄州立大学校园基督徒学生赴曼斯费尔德,克利夫兰和匹兹堡春假旅行

Christians on Campus 2017 Spring break trip to Mansfield, Cleveland and Pittsburgh. – via Christians on Campus at the Ohio State University

After His resurrection, the Lord came to meet with His disciples, starting from the evening of the first day. Thus, in the Lord’s resurrection, the matter of meeting with the saints is crucial. Mary the Magdalene met the Lord personally in the morning and obtained the blessing (John 20:16-18), but she still needed to be in the meeting with the saints in the evening to meet the Lord in a corporate way to obtain more and greater blessings (20:19-23). In this first meeting of the Lord with His disciples after His resurrection, we have the Lord’s presence, the peace, the Lord’s sending, the breathing, and the authority to bind and loose. These are the blessings which the Lord brought to His disciples in that church meeting. However good Mary’s fellowship was with the Lord during the morning watch, she still needed to come to the evening meeting to obtain all these blessings. These blessings are greater and more important. We may receive something from the Lord and even of the Lord during the morning watch, but this is something we need personally and individually. We must also come to the meetings to receive something more important. The morning watch and the church meetings are two aspects. We need the personal blessing of the first aspect as well as the corporate blessing of the second. (Life-Study of John, Chapter 47)
