Lord’s Day Meeting in Togo, West Africa 西非多哥主日聚会

Lord’s day meeting in Togo, West Africa. – via Anny Eweka

In Ephesians 1:9-11 and 3:9-11, God’s economy is mentioned. In eternity God had a good pleasure, a heart’s desire. According to this desire He has a purpose. This purpose was hidden in Him; thus, it was a hidden purpose. This hidden purpose became His economy. Hence, there is the dispensation (the economy) of the mystery. This mystery was hidden in God from the ages, but has now been brought to light for us.

God’s economy (arrangement) is according to God’s good pleasure which He purposed in Himself (Eph. 1:9). It is also according to the purpose of the ages which He made in Christ (3:11). It makes known to us the mystery of God’s will, which from the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things (1:9a; 3:9). Its end is to head up all things in Christ at the fullness of the times (1:10), so that the multifarious wisdom of God might be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenlies (3:10). (The Economy and Dispensing of God, chapter 1)

Source: https://www.facebook.com/churchnews/posts/1379258105429433