The Blending Meeting in the Church in Yangon, Myanmar 缅甸仰光相调聚会

Blending Meeting The Church In Yangon, Myanmar (Meeting Hall-1, Hall-2, Hall-3, Hall-4, Hall-5, Hall-6) and The Church In Hmaw Bi & 22nd TERM Culminating and Graduation Meeting March 5, 2017

In Philippians 2:2 the apostle again besought the believers, “Make my joy full, that you think the same thing, having the same love, joined in soul, thinking the one thing.” The apostle’s joy is made full when he sees that all the churches all over the world are practicing this kind of oneness, a oneness in which they are thinking the same thing, even the one thing. The Lord can accomplish His purpose for the satisfaction of His heart’s desire only when we are thinking the same thing. (1993 Blending Conference Messages concerning the Lord’s Recovery and Our Present Need, Chapter 4)
