College Conference in Latham Springs,Texas on March 3-5, 2017 二〇一七年三月3日至5日德州莱瑟姆大专特会

Latham Springs (Texas) College Conference March 3-5th. General Subject: God’s Move Through YOUng People. – via Miguel Cruz

We must also see that all the persons who were called by God to carry out His up-to-date move were young men. This does not mean that God would not use an older person or that God does not love the older ones. But the Scriptures reveal that all the persons who were called by God were young ones. You may think that Moses was called by God when he was eighty years old. But you have to realize that Moses had something divine working within him even before he was forty. From his very youth, he had something to do with God. When he was eighty, that was not the first time God came to him. God came to him when he was young (Acts 7:20-29). You may point out that Abraham was seventy-five years old when he was called by God (Gen. 12:1-4). But if you read the Scriptures carefully, you will see that Abraham was seventy-five years old when his father Terah died in Haran (Gen. 11:32). Acts 7:2 tells us that “the God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran.” The first time God called Abraham was while his father was still alive, and the second call came after his father had died. Therefore, the first time God came to Abraham was quite earlier than when he was seventy-five years of age. On the other hand, we have to realize that at Abraham’s time, a man who was seventy-five years old was still quite young. I would not say that God would never call an older person, but the Bible and church history show that most of the time God has a new move with young people. (A Young Man in God’s Plan, Chapter 1)
