二〇一七年三月4日台北市召会大专相调特会 College Students’ Blending Conference in the Church of Taipei City on March 4, 2017 已发表 2017-03-05 二〇一七年三月4日台北市召会大专相调特会 College Students’ Blending Conference in the Church of Taipei City on March 4, 2017
已发表 2018-10-10 2018秋季蒙召参训见证(四)— 不在于自己的刚强,而在于祂逐日维持的力 2018 Fall FTTT Trainees’ Testimony for Calling Saints to Attend the Full-time Training (4)–Not Your Own Strength, But His Daily Supporting Might 不在於自己的剛強,而在於祂逐日維持的力 我 […]