巴布亚新几内亚近期儿童蒙恩报告 Recent Report on the Children’s Service in PNG

感谢主,从去年11月份我们开始第一次儿童工作以来,主将儿童的人数不断的加增给我们。并且儿童分区扩增至3个。目前在Kennedy Estate 儿童人数稳定在20至30位,在Education Institute儿童人数稳定在50位至60位,在Glory Garden 小区儿童人数稳定在20至30位。分别在周三,周四,周五下午进行。借着儿童工作,有些青少年和儿童的家人也配搭进儿童服事里来,其中一位在一同配搭服事了儿童两个多月后在我们当中受浸了,成为我们的姊妹,哈利路亚。请弟兄姊妹继续为我们在以下方面代祷:

  1. 求主祝福这些儿童们,使他们健康的在召会中长大。
  2. 使儿童服事者在服事上有更多学习并被成全,扩充他们的度量。
  3. 兴起更多的儿童服事者,借着儿童得着他们的家人,也有份于儿童配搭服事。

Praise the Lord. Since last November we started the children’s work, the Lord has added the number of children to us continually. Until now we have 3 children districts. The number of children in Kennedy Estate is currently 20 to 30. The number of children in Education Institute is currently 50 to 60. And the number of children in Glory Garden is 20 to 30. The meetings were held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon. Through children’s work, some young people and some relatives of children also joined children service. One of the children service got baptized recently, after she coordinated together in children service for about 2 month, now she is our sister in the Lord, halleluiah. Please pray for us in following items:

  1. May the Lord bless these children, cause them to grow up in the church life.
  2. May the children serving ones to learn and to be perfected in the service, and to enlarge their capacity.
  3. Raising up more children serving ones, and gain more families through children, they may coordinate together in children service.