The Second Meeting and the Third Meeting of the 2017 Special Conference Anaheim, CA 二〇一七年加州安那翰特别聚会第二场及第三场聚会

The Second Meeting and the Third Meeting of the 2017 Special Conference

In the second meeting, the message was addressed in Chinese to help see God’s sovereignty, the divine history within the human history, and the world situation and God’s move to spread His recovery.

In the third meeting, the message was given in Chinese along with the burdens of spreading the divine truths and seeing a vision of the world’s ultimate situation, God’s ultimate move, and the Lord’s ultimate recovery.

“Brothers and sisters, open your eyes! Look at the entire globe, and get into the world situation. Look at the situation among Christians. Now you can understand the world situation in relation to His move. We should not be satisfied with only gospel preaching, Bible teaching, and scriptural meetings. We must be for the Apostle Paul’s completing ministry, the central vision of God’s economy. We must take Christ as our living. He must be the contents of the church life. Then He will gain His purpose. The churches will be golden lampstands, and the bride will be prepared.” (Witness Lee, The World Situation and God’s Move, Chapter 3) – via Mike Lee
